Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Dexter: Original Sin season 1, episode 9.The penultimate episode of Dexter: Original Sin season 1 kept the Dexter prequel show’s momentum going and set up an explosive season finale. Even after two major bombshell reveals – that Captain Aaron Spencer (Patrick Dempsey) is the kidnapper and Brian Moser (Roby Attal) is the NHI Killer – Original Sin still had more surprises in store. Viewers learned more about Dexter’s (Patrick Gibson) early childhood, Harry’s (Christian Slater) regrets about handling Brian, and Debra’s (Molly Brown) decision to become a police officer.
The main cast of Original Sin wasn’t the only focus of episode 9, however. The newest installment also revealed why Brian is targeting the people he kills, followed Maria’s (Christina Milian) suspicions of Harry, and even focused on Bobby Watt (Reno Wilson) more than ever before. The prequel series is taking a breakneck pace to its final episode and all the intriguing conclusions it has set up, and so much happened this week that it’s worth recapping all the major story reveals in Dexter: Original Sin episode 9.
Bobby Watt Was In Critical Condition & Harry Told Maria About His Connection To Brian Moser
Bobby’s Gunshot Wound Looks Extremely Serious, But Harry At Least Deflected Maria’s Attention Away From Dexter
Harry’s partner Bobby Watt (Reno Wilson) was shot in Dexter: Original Sin episode 8, and the newest episode saw Harry rush to his side. As Angel Batista (James Martinez) explained, Bobby was in critical condition when Harry arrived, and they wouldn’t know whether he lived or died for quite some time. Harry didn’t get much of a chance to mourn, however, as Maria LaGuerta soon pulled him aside and asked why he had hidden Brian Moser’s file during the NHI Killer investigation.
Dexter Prequel Bringing Back Season 1’s Villain Creates A Strange Franchise Mystery
Dexter: Original Sin episode 8 continues to expand on the reappearance of an original show season 1 villain that creates an original series mystery.
Surprisingly, Harry mostly came clean and told Maria about his affair with Laura. He said that it was his fault that Laura died, that he had always wondered what happened to Brian after all those years, and that the entire situation was one of the biggest regrets of his life. As honest as Harry was, however, he lied to Maria and told her that he stole Brian’s file as a purely personal matter that had nothing to do with the NHI Killer.
Harry Convinced Spencer To Send A Search Party After Laura But Lost His Badge In The Process
Harry Had To Admit He Slept With Laura To Start The Search & Spencer Demanded His Badge
In one of Harry’s flashbacks, he recalled the aftermath of Laura Moser’s (Brittany Allen) abduction and trying to find her at the shipping yard. Harry tried to convince Captain Aaron Spencer (Patrick Dempsey) to authorize a search party, but Spencer thought Laura’s investigation into Hector Estrada’s drug cartel was too valuable to risk with a search. So, Harry had to tell Spencer about his affair with Laura and reveal that he had compromised the entire investigation. That revelation was enough to convince Spencer to start looking for Laura, Brian, and Dexter.

Dexter: Original Sin Completely Justifies The Prequel Show With An Underrated Returning Character’s New Story
Dexter: Original Sin didn’t seem like a necessary prequel at first, but one underappreciated character from Dexter proves that it’s a great addition.
Though it got Spencer to order a search, Harry coming clean about his affair with Laura was terrible news for his career. Harry and Laura’s affair ruined a year-long undercover investigation and opened Miami Metro up to a massive lawsuit, so Spencer demanded Harry’s detective badge as punishment. He allowed Harry to join the search for Laura, but only as a regular, uniformed police officer instead of a plain-clothes detective. Interestingly, that moment actually solved one of Dexter‘s oldest inconsistencies, and explained why a detective like Harry was wearing a beat cop’s uniform when he found Dexter in the shipping container.
Dexter Broke Into Spencer’s Apartment, But Harry Had Driven Him Home
Dexter Had To Slip Out Spencer’s Balcony To Avoid Being Spotted
Despite getting a lot of pushback from Harry, Dexter was convinced that Spencer was the main villain of Original Sin who killed Jimmy Powell and kidnapped Nicky, so he continued his investigation. That led to Dexter breaking into Spencer’s apartment to look for clues. Dexter found a few photographs of Aaron and Nicky together, along with some of the prepackaged meals both Jimmy and Nicky ate while in captivity, but he was interrupted in the process. Harry had driven Aaron home from work and stayed around for a drink while Dexter was hiding in the apartment.

Every Death In Dexter: Original Sin Season 1
There have been many deaths in the first half of the Dexter prequel series Dexter: Original Sin, including victims, killers, and a few key characters.
Dexter was planning to abduct Spencer at his apartment, but after hearing Harry’s voice, he had to change his plan. Instead of drugging Spencer, Dexter slipped out his balcony window before he could be spotted. Since he was interrupted, however, Dexter doesn’t actually have any definitive proof that Spencer is a killer or a kidnapper. Most of his suspicions are circumstantial at best, and the only thing he knows for sure is that Spencer planted Jimmy’s jersey at the Los Tigres safehouse. Currently, killing Spencer would break the Code of Harry.
Harry Lied To Dexter About Brian Being The NHI Killer & Had Him Bring Debra To Miami Metro’s Blood Drive
Dexter Said It Was The First Time Harry Lied To His Face & Deb Wanted To Help Her Godfather
During breakfast, Harry and Dexter caught up on some of their recent activities. Harry thanked Dexter for bringing Deb back from Bimini, and Dexter asked about the hunt for the NHI Killer. Harry, who already knew that Brian was the NHI Killer, lied to Dexter and said that he didn’t even think the murders were connected. It was a big enough moment for Michael C. Hall’s narration to explain that it was the first time Harry ever lied straight to Dexter’s face. Unfortunately, since Dexter wouldn’t learn about Brian’s existence until Dexter season 1, he probably won’t be able to confront Harry about his lie.
Since Dexter wouldn’t learn about Brian’s existence until Dexter season 1, he probably won’t be able to confront Harry about his lie.
Debra eventually joined Harry and Dexter at breakfast, and after apologizing for going to Bimini with Gio (Isaac Gonzalez Rossi), got some bad news. Bobby Watt is Debra’s godfather, and after Harry told her he had been shot, she was distraught. When she heard that Miami Metro was having a blood drive to help the hospital treating Bobby, Deb demanded to donate some of her own blood, and Harry had Dexter bring her into the station. In a funny moment, Dexter looked pretty horrified about the idea of bringing his sister to work while chewing his cereal.
Maria Looked Up Brian Moser’s File & Camilla Couldn’t Find Anything About His Past
Camilla Managed To Hide Dexter’s Past, But Couldn’t Unearth Brian’s Sealed File
Though Harry had opened up to Maria about his past with Laura and Brian Moser, she was too good of a detective to tamp down her suspicions. So, Maria asked Camilla Figg (Sarah Kinsey) to pull Laura’s file so she could investigate Brian herself. However, Harry and Camilla anticipated that someone would look through that file eventually, and they had already removed Dexter’s name from all of Miami Metro’s records. Camilla called after Maria left and let Harry know that she seemed to be off of Dexter’s trail.

9 Clues To Brian Moser’s Big Twist In Dexter: Original Sin Season 1 You Might Have Missed
Brian Moser had a shocking role to play in Dexter: Original Sin, but the prequel show actually did a surprising amount of setup for his grand reveal.
Harry had another task for Camilla, however, and it didn’t go as smoothly as her first one. Harry had asked Camilla to pull Brian Moser’s files from the years after Laura’s death, but since he was a juvenile at the time, all of them were sealed. Camilla couldn’t tell him anything other than the fact that Brian went to a psychiatric facility in Tampa, Florida. It’s odd that Harry never tried to track Brian down earlier or keep tabs on him before, but it seems that he was truly surprised Brian had come back.
Harry & Bobby Found Dexter & Brian In The Shipping Container & Harry & Doris Adopted Both Of Them
Despite Harry’s Affair With Laura, Doris Decided Dexter & Brian Needed A Mother
Original Sin episode 9 finally featured the moment its flashbacks to Laura Moser have been building up to for months: the death of Laura and the birth of Dexter’s dark passenger. After searching for over a day, Miami Metro’s search party finally found the shipping container Laura was killed in. After a wave of blood rushed out, Harry pulled Dexter out of the carnage and Bobby pulled Brian out, recreating the iconic scene from the original Dexter. Original Sin wasn’t content to just recreate the original series, however, as it also included a massive change to Harry and Brian’s story.

What Happens To Dexter’s Biological Brother, Brian Moser
Brian Moser, Dexter’s brother, appeared in Dexter: Original Sin, but the prequel show didn’t explain just how important Brian is to the Morgan family.
A later flashback revealed that Harry and Doris Morgan (Jasper Lewis) actually adopted both Dexter and Brian, instead of just Dexter as was previously thought. The Florida social worker, Barb (Kathleen Rose Perkins), explained that the state didn’t want to separate siblings who were up for adoption. Doris, after figuring out that Brian and Dexter were Laura’s sons and that Harry wanted to adopt them because of his affair with Laura, displayed a tremendous amount of grace when she said that the boys needed a mother. The fact that Dexter went nonverbal after Laura’s death likely helped her come to that decision.
Tanya Martin Convinced Deb To Become A Police Officer
Tanya Told Deb That Solving Crimes Was As Good Of A Rush As Scoring In Volleyball
After she had donated blood, Deb wandered around Miami Metro for a while and met some significant characters for the first time. Deb had a short conversation with Maria LaGuerta, but Tanya Martin (Sarah Michelle Gellar) had a much bigger impact on her. Deb and Tanya got to talking, and Tanya explained that she played basketball in high school like Deb played volleyball, and that catching criminals was the best rush she had gotten since. It seems that Tanya was one of the biggest reasons Deb went on to become a police officer in the original Dexter.
Debra always cited Harry Morgan as her main inspiration for becoming a police officer, though Tanya’s comments may have helped her warm up to the idea of following in her father’s footsteps.
Tanya’s words also had a big impact on Deb later in Original Sin. After she got home from Miami Metro, Deb heard a phone message from Flordia State University saying that she was still being offered a scholarship despite being kicked off the volleyball team. FSU may have been too late, however, as Deb may choose to go to the police academy instead of college. Dexter, unfortunately, doesn’t have much insight into Deb’s education, so it’s not clear what she’ll choose to do with her scholarship.
Dexter Drew Aaron Spencer’s Blood & Covered For Clark Sanders
Clark Was Waiting On HIV Test Results, So Dexter Donated Blood Twice
After discovering that Nicky Spencer was alive by examining his jersey, Dexter had to help with Bobby’s blood drive efforts. He spent most of his day drawing blood from the Miami Metro family and sorting it. When Spencer came in to donate blood, Dexter had a tense standoff with him and toyed with him about Nicky. Through it all, Spencer was able to keep up his act of being a concerned father, and Dexter was impressed with how good of a liar he was. He didn’t get a confession, but Dexter’s conversation with Spencer made for a wonderfully suspenseful moment in Original Sin.
Vince Masuka (Alex Shimizu) then insisted Dexter give blood, so Dexter ended up leaving the office with two fewer pints of blood than he was supposed to have.
Dexter’s work with the blood drive was far from over, however. Dexter’s newfound friend and confidant, Clark Sanders (Aaron Jennings), asked for his help. One of Clark’s sexual partners had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, and he didn’t want to donate blood before his own test results came back. So, Dexter drew his own blood, put it in a bag marked Sanders, and gave Clark a bandage to help him fly under the radar. Unfortunately, Vince Masuka (Alex Shimizu) then insisted Dexter give blood, so Dexter ended up leaving the office with two fewer pints of blood than he was supposed to have.
Brian Tried To Kill Deb As A Baby & Had To Be Removed From The Morgan Home
Harry & Doris Said They Couldn’t Handle Brian’s Level Of Trauma
Another flashback revealed that while Doris and Harry took both Moser brothers in, their arrangement didn’t last long. One day, while Deb was loudly crying, Brian decided to try to kill his adoptive baby sister by smothering her with a pillow. Doris was able to stop him in time, but Brian ended up smashing his hand through a window and running away after slapping Harry. It was yet more evidence of Brian’s psychopathic tendencies, and it was more than enough to convince Harry and Doris to give him up.

Why Harry Morgan Didn’t Adopt Dexter’s Brother Brian Moser
Harry Morgan only adopted one of Laura Moser’s sons in Dexter: Original Sin, but the prequel show hasn’t explained why he didn’t adopt Brian yet.
Eventually, Barb came back and reluctantly agreed that Brian was too traumatized for a normal foster family to give him a proper upbringing. There was a sad moment where Barb drove away from the Morgan home with Brian in tow, and Dexter asked Harry where “Biney” – his nickname for his big brother – was going. That was the first time Dexter had spoken since Laura’s death, and though the brothers were split up, it seemed to be for the best. Brian, however, didn’t see it that way, and he would get even years later.
Harry Found Out That Brian Moser Was Stalking Dexter & Killing People He Blamed For Separating Him From His Brother
Brian Killed His Therapist, His Nurse, & His Social Worker & Revisited All The Crime Scenes
While combing through old evidence of the NHI Killer case, Harry made a massive discovery about Brian Moser. In all the photos of the NHI Killer’s crime scenes, Brian was there in the crowd, watching Dexter work. Harry then deduced that Brian was stalking Dexter, and Original Sin confirmed that Brian was targeting the people he held responsible for separating him from Dexter. Brian has already killed his therapist and nurse from the psychiatric hospital, and he also killed Barb with a chainsaw at the end of Original Sin episode 8.

9 Clues To Brian Moser’s Big Twist In Dexter: Original Sin Season 1 You Might Have Missed
Brian Moser had a shocking role to play in Dexter: Original Sin, but the prequel show actually did a surprising amount of setup for his grand reveal.
Based on the people Brian has already murdered and his infatuation with Dexter, it seems like he’s going to target Harry Morgan next in Original Sin. Harry is arguably the biggest reason Dexter and Brian were separated in the first place, as he was the one who decided to use Laura as a criminal informant. Killing Harry would also remove one obstacle to Brian and Dexter’s reunion, and as Dexter already revealed, he was willing to kill Deb to help make Dexter open to the idea of reuniting. It’s even possible that Brian could come after Bobby Watt next, since he was Harry’s partner at the time.
Bobby Watt Woke Up From His Coma & Told Harry To Save Dexter
Bobby Surprisingly Survived His Gunshot Wound & Gave Harry Advice About Brian Moser
Though his condition was critical, and though it seemed like he was going to die from very early on in Original Sin, Bobby actually woke up from his coma. Harry had gone to visit Bobby in the hospital, and he relieved Bobby’s wife from waiting at his bedside. While he was there, Harry opened up to Bobby and lamented the fact that he couldn’t ask his best friend for advice on how to deal with Brian’s return and all the secrets he was keeping from Dexter. Then, in a surprise moment, Bobby weakly told Harry to “save Dexter.”

Dexter Season 8 Might Have Already Confirmed A Major Replacement Character’s Tragic Death In The Prequel Show
After 4 episodes, the Dexter prequel series Dexter: Original Sin may have already foreshadowed the eventual death of one of its brand new characters.
It’s not entirely clear what Bobby meant by “save Dexter,” or how long he’ll survive. Bobby may have been telling Harry to take drastic actions to keep Brian from Dexter, such as killing himself, but that’s currently just speculation. Additionally, the death of Harry’s partner was one of the catalysts for his eventual suicide in Dexter, so it seems like Bobby will have to die sooner or later. It’s hard to say what Original Sin‘s plan for Bobby Watt is, but as of now, he has lived to see another day.
Dexter Lured Aaron Spencer To An Arcade & Tricked Him Into Leading Him To Nicky
Dexter Struggled To Get Spencer On His Table, But It Was A Ruse To Track Down Nicky
The final moments of Dexter: Original Sin episode 9 put Dexter’s end game for Aaron Spencer into motion. Earlier in the episode, Dexter had lured Spencer to an arcade by feigning blackmail. They had a tussle when they arrived, since Dexter was still dizzy from donating two pints of blood, but Dexter eventually got Spencer down after stabbing him in the hand with his M99. When Spencer awoke, Dexter confronted him about Jimmy Powell and Nicky, and demanded he drop the concerned father act and just admit to it. Spencer, however, assured Dexter that Nicky would die of starvation if he was killed, and that he would only tell Dexter where he was if he was set free.
Episode # |
Episode Title |
Release Date & Time On Paramount+ With Showtime |
Release Date & Time On Showtime |
1 |
“And in the Beginning…” |
December 13, 2024 @ 12:01 am ET |
December 15, 2024 @ 10 pm ET |
2 |
“Kid in a Candy Store” |
December 20, 2024 @ 12:01 am ET |
December 22, 2024 @ 10 pm ET |
3 |
“Miami Vice” |
December 20, 2024 @ 12:01 am ET |
December 22, 2024 @ 11 pm ET |
4 |
“Fender Bender” |
December 27, 2024 @ 12:01 am ET |
December 29, 2024 @ 10 pm ET |
5 |
“F is for F***-Up” |
January 3, 2025 @ 12:01 am ET |
January 5, 2025 @ 10 pm ET |
6 |
“The Joy of Killing” |
January 10, 2025 @ 12:01 am ET |
January 12, 2025 @ 10 pm ET |
7 |
“The Big Bad Body Problem” |
January 24, 2025 @ 12:01 am ET |
January 26, 2025 @ 10 pm ET |
8 |
“Business and Pleasure” |
January 31, 2025 @ 12:01 am ET |
February 2, 2025 @ 10 pm ET |
9 |
“Blood Drive” |
February 7, 2025 @ 12:01 am ET |
February 9, 2025 @ 10 pm ET |
10 |
“Code Blues” |
February 14, 2025 @ 12:01 am ET |
February 16, 2025 @ 10 pm ET |
In a moment of rage, Dexter cut off Spencer’s finger and stabbed the table near his head. When he pulled the knife free, he also loosened Spencer’s bindings, and the kidnapper was able to free himself when Dexter left the arcade. However, Dexter hadn’t made a mistake: he tricked Spencer into thinking he was escaping so he could follow the police captain to Nicky’s location. The episode ended there, but the season finale of Dexter: Original Sin should see Dexter have his final confrontation with Aaron Spencer while Nicky’s life hangs in the balance.

Dexter: Original Sin
- Release Date
December 15, 2024
- Network
Paramount+ with Showtime
Christian Slater
Harry Morgan
Patrick Gibson
Dexter Morgan