- In Fallout 4, the Commonwealth is filled with dangerous enemies, from Super Mutants to mutated creatures like fog crawlers.
- The Sole Survivor can recruit companions to help in combat, but some enemies like the enraged fog crawler and Nukatron Sentinel are still tough with help.
- Legendary enemies like the Mythic Deathclaw and Annihilator Sentry Bot Mk II provide a constant challenge as the Sole Survivor progresses.
Exploring the Commonwealth of Fallout 4 is no easy task, especially when the Sole Survivor has 210 years of history to catch up with. The heart-wrenching quest to find their son sees them exploring all corners of the wasteland and encountering all sorts of strange mutated creatures along the way. But for every easily dealt with mole rat, there is often something far tougher just around the corner.
From raiders and Super Mutants to radscorpions and mirelurks, to say the Commonwealth is a dangerous place would be an understatement. Luckily, the Sole Survivor is far from alone when facing these enemies with 16 companions in Fallout 4 to recruit, who can help with combat. But even with help, there are some Commonwealth enemies that are much harder to fight than others.
Fallout 4’s Ending Explained (In Detail)
Fallout 4’s multiple endings depend on which of its factions the player character sides with – primarily the Institute. Here’s what each one affects.
Enraged Fog Crawler – Level 75+
Fog Crawler Variant Found Near The Coast Or Bodies Of Water
While exploring Far Harbor‘s Island, the Sole Survivor will encounter plenty of new mutated creatures. But one to definitely watch out for is the fog crawler, a large mutated crayfish with razor-sharp arm blades. Regular fog crawlers are difficult, as they are never seen outside the Island’s infamous fog and often blend in with the misty environment. This can make them very difficult to spot until it’s too late.
However, the enraged variant of the fog crawler is significantly tougher with much more health than any of its brethren. With a ridiculously high damage resistance and immunity to radiation, acid, and the Wasteland Whisper perk, enraged fog crawlers are long and tough fights. As the enraged fog crawler’s main weapon is their arms, it is best to try and stay at a distance during combat.
Nukatron Sentinel – Level 46
Nukatron Variant Found In Nuka-World Galactic Zone
Nukatrons are the Nuka-World themed versions of the regular Protectrons and, for the most part, they act in the same way. Found predominantly inside the Galactic Zone of the pre-war theme park, all Nukatrons will initially be hostile to the Sole Survivor due to the area’s defenses being incorrectly activated. Nukatrons will tend to move in groups and can easily swarm the Sole Survivor if they are not careful, but there is one version, in particular, to watch out for.
Finding at least 20 Star Cores will allow the Sole Survivor to switch off defense mode for the robots in the Galactic Zone, making exploring much easier.
The Nukatron Sentinel is the toughest of all the Nukatrons, boasting the highest health pool and damage resistance. Rather than firing lasers like their protectron counterparts, Nukatrons rely on melee attacks, but the Nukatron Sentinels have another trick up their sleeves. These soda-themed robots will fire explosive Nuka-Cola Quantum at enemies, which can be devastatingly lethal, especially with a group of them together.

Fallout 4: Every Cappy In A Haystack Location (Nuka-World DLC)
During the Fallout 4 side quest “Cappy in a Haystack” players will need to find the 10 hidden clues scattered throughout the Nuka-World DLC.
Swan – Level 50
Super Mutant Variant Found In Boston Commons
Few Fallout 4 enemies have such a reputation that even the game’s NPCs avoid them, but there is one Super Mutant behemoth whose name is known throughout post-war Boston. Swan is a unique Super Mutant who can be found during the day relaxing in his pond in Boston Commons, but when roused he will attack terrifyingly quickly. While there are much more powerful Super Mutant variants in Fallout 4, what makes Swan such a problem is how early in the game he can be encountered.
Swan will typically be active and moving around close to his pond between 1 am to 5:30 am, making combat with him much more likely.
Very early on, the Sole Survivor is sent past Boston Commons to Vault 114 to fetch Nick Valentine, and if they are not careful, this can lead to low-level characters facing off against the behemoth. With a charging attack and one that can stagger, Swan is no pushover even at higher levels, while his boat armor gives him excellent damage resistance. Wielding a powerful melee weapon, Swan is definitely a fight that requires some planning and the Sole Survivor’s best Fallout 4 weapons.
Annihilator Sentry Bot Mk II – Level 60+
Sentry Bot Variant Found All Over The Commonwealth
The Sentry bot in Fallout 4 is a tough tank-like robot often used as a guard that packs quite a punch. Capable of moving quickly, with miniguns for arms and a heavily shielded body, they can be hard to take down in a one-on-one fight. These were military robots and can often be found in government locations such as the National Guard Armory or patrolling near Fort Hagen.
However, once the Sole Survivor reaches a high enough level, more powerful versions of the Sentry bot still start to spawn, including the Annihilator Mk II at level 60 and above. The Annihilator Mk II bots have massive amounts of hit points and high damage resistance, as well as a much more deadly arsenal than the standard models. With mortar launchers alongside the usual missile launchers, it’s often best to try to stay behind cover until they enter their cool-down periods, where they become vulnerable.
Putrid Glowing One – Level 40
Glowing One Variant Found All Over The Commonwealth
Feral ghouls are a common enemy in Fallout 4, with them frequently swarming the Sole Survivor in packs. Occasionally, there will be a strange glowing ghoul in the group, which are simply known as Glowing Ones, who deal out radiation damage just by being near them. Capable of healing other feral ghouls in the area and even reviving dead ones with a radiation AOE, Glowing Ones are formidable enemies.
Of many variants of Glowing Ones, Putrid Glowing Ones can be the deadliest; although they do not have the health pool of the high-level Bloated versions, they pack more of a punch with physical attacks. Putrid Glowing Ones deal out twice as much radiation than the regular glowing ghouls and are best dealt with at a range if possible. Despite not having the same radiation AOE attack as other Glowing Ones, the Putrid variant’s damage and speed mean they are best avoided.
To prevent nearby ghouls being revived, it is best to destroy a Glowing One’s head or torso.
Dusky Yao Guai – Level 76+
Yao Guai Variant Found All Over The Commonwealth
First appearing in Fallout 3, Yao Guai quickly became the bane of many wasteland adventurers. These mutated descendants of black bears pack quite a punch and are capable of closing the gap with the Sole Survivor very quickly, making fighting them with ranged weapons an uphill battle. But as powerful as the regular or stunted Yao Guai are, the Dusky Yao Guai is a nightmare. With a whopping health pool of 1,175 hit points, at a minimum, these darker-colored mutant bears are capable of soaking up tremendous amounts of damage.
These heavily scarred variants have massive damage resistance, letting them face off against even higher-level characters with ease. Worst of all, though, is they are immune to being pacified by the Animal Friend perk, as they level with the Sole Survivor. Dusky Yao Guai will start popping up after the Sole Survivor reaches level 76 all over the Commonwealth, as well as Far Harbor‘s Island and even within Nuka-World.

All Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC Endings, Explained
Fallout 4’s Far Harbor DLC concludes with the player deciding the fate of the island in perhaps one of Fallout 4’s most morally ambiguous questlines.
Nukalurk King – Level 56
Nuka-World Variant Of Mirelurk King Found In Nuka-World
When exploring the Commonwealth and beyond, the Sole Survivor is bound to come across lots of mirelurks. These slow-moving, hard-shelled mutants can prove a challenge at lower levels, but so long as they are kept at range, they pose little threat. The same cannot be said for the mirelurk kings, however, and in particular the Nuka-World variant, the Nukalurk King. Though they lack the armored shell of their crab-like encounter parts, these fast-moving bipeds can be deadly for the unprepared.
Just like mirelurks, the Nukalurk Kings have formidable melee attacks, as well as a ranged sonic attack capable of severely damaging the Sole Survivor’s head to stun them. When found in groups, these glowing blue creatures can easily overwhelm the Sole Survivor. Boasting twice the amount of health as their Commonwealth brethren and stronger melee attacks, taking on a Nukalurk King requires planning, luck, and a lot of Stimpaks.
Mirelurk Queen – Level 50
Mirelurk Variant Found Near Large Bodies Of Water
Sticking with the mirelurk family, another terrifying enemy for the Sole Survivor to take on unprepared is the colossal Mirelurk Queen. These huge creatures are responsible for laying large clutches of mirelurk eggs and will become enraged when they are destroyed. Although slow-moving, Mirelurk Queens utilize large claws for melee attacks and a ranged acid spit attack that requires anyone facing her to keep on the move.
Periodically in battle, a Mirelurk Queen will also unleash a wave of hatchlings to swarm her opponents. With over 1,000 hit points, a fight with Mirelurk Queen is a marathon, not a sprint unless the Sole Survivor breaks out some serious heavy artillery. For the most part, these hulking crustaceans can be avoided, unless the Sole Survivor is looking to retake the Castle as part of the Minutemen Fallout 4 faction questline.
Mirelurk Queens are considered giant creatures in Fallout 4 and count towards the achievement “…The Harder They Fall.”
Assaultron Dominator – Level 46
Assaultron Variant Found All Over The Commonwealth
Assaultrons in Fallout 4 are deadly foes all on their own, being quick-moving enemies with both ranged and melee attacks. However, the Assaultron Dominator takes this to a whole new dangerous level. These military-grade robots are the upgraded versions of the regular Assaultron, with two swords in place of the usual hands for devastating stabbing attacks.
Quick and nimble, the Assaultron Dominator will not give up or flee from combat and will continue to fight even after losing limbs. However, what makes the Assaultron Dominator one of the more deadly variants is its stealth ability, allowing it to vanish from view while it sets up the next attack. As with all Assaultrons, the legs are the weak point of this robot, making taking them out a priority in any fight to limit the Assaultron’s attack options.
Mythic Deathclaw – Level 91+
Deathclaw Variant Found All Over The Commonwealth
Finally, easily one of the toughest enemies to face in Fallout 4 is the iconic Deathclaw. These bioengineered monsters are found all over the post-apocalyptic US, sporting huge horns, rows of razor-sharp teeth, and massive claws. Deathclaws are pack animals and fiercely territorial, making them extremely aggressive toward any who happen to wander too close. But there is one variant of these vicious beasts that’s far more deadly than all the rest.
The Mythic Deathclaw is the highest non-legendary Deathclaw variant with an epic health pool of 1,360 hit points minimum. Packing stronger melee and heavy melee attacks than other counterparts, these Deathclaws can easily tear through enemies, even those in power armor. The Mythic Deathclaw easily lives up to its name, spawning once the Sole Survivor reaches level 91 in Fallout 4 and then leveling with them to always provide a challenge.