Content warning: This article contains mentions of suicide and spoilers about Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 10 ahead.
- Mayor of Kingstown season 3 finale set up new, interesting storylines for a potential season 4, including Kyle’s arrest and Kingstown’s new order after the shootout on the bridge.
- Milo’s return complicated Mike’s plan to rid Kingstown of Konstantin’s men, but it also concluded several storylines.
- Iris and Kareem’s tragic fates highlighted the idea Mayor of Kingstown often presented that nobody leaves Kingstown unscathed.
The twists leading up to Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 10 made sure the explosive finale simultaneously found its resolution and introduced new, interesting stories in case Mayor of Kingstown season 4 is confirmed. Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 9’s ending revealing that Milo had never died, instead faking his death to plan his comeback and take over Konstantin, guaranteed he would have been one of the season 3 finale’s focal points. Even if the reason for his return was not exactly solid, Milo’s comeback concluded various storylines in Mayor of Kingstown season 3, including Iris’s and Konstantin’s.
Another key storyline, which Mayor of Kingstown developed throughout season 3, involved Evelyn’s investigation into Robert. Evelyn’s wish to see him in jail for his actions in the riots never wavered, but Ian killing Charlie in Mayor of Kingstown season 3, episode 9 offered her the missing link between Morrissey’s murder and Ian, who was always close to Robert. However, Evelyn’s investigation into Robert became less important after the shootout on the bridge saw Kyle targeting Robert to protect civilians and being arrested for having opened fire on him, setting up one of Mayor of Kingstown season 4’s biggest storylines.
Mayor Of Kingstown Season 3 Proves Mike Finally Learned From His Past In A Surprising Way
One peculiarity of Mike’s plan to re-establish order in Kingstown shows how much he learned from his mistakes in Mayor of Kingstown season 2.
How Mike Solved The Russian Problem
Mike & Bunny’s Plan Worked Up To A Point
Mike had crafted the perfect plan that would have simultaneously rid Kingstown of Konstantin’s men and Bunny’s military-grade weapons, while he was supposed to take care of Konstantin. Milo’s resurfacing nonetheless made Mike’s plan more difficult, as his wish to see Konstantin dead and set up a new deal with Mike greatly changed how everything was supposed to go down. While Milo’s admissions revealed Mike’s double-cross to Konstantin, in the end, he forced Iris to take care of Konstantin, making Mike only worry about setting the score with Milo, as Iris had already killed Konstantin.
Bunny’s men opening fire before they brought Konstantin’s men to the isolated destination greatly aggravated the situation. Their shootout on the bridge created a multiple-vehicle collision, endangering civilians and forcing the involvement of SWAT, which caused another set of problems the moment Robert killed someone who surrendered and almost killed a civilian. Although Konstantin’s men and the Crips effectively wiped each other out, they also created a massive incident that should have never involved civilians and the KPD.
Milo Was Responsible For The Bus Tragedy In Mayor Of Kingstown Season 3
Mariam’s Funeral Bombing & The Bus Tragedy Were Milo’s Doing
Mike’s and Milo’s reunion also revealed who was responsible for Mayor of Kingstown season 3’s bus tragedy. Mike attributing the two accidents to Milo as Milo admitted that he “needed an accelerant,” which was the reason for the bombing of Mariam’s funeral, officially revealed the culprit behind much of the senseless violence hitting Kingstown in season 3. By asking Mike whether it bothered him more the age or the gender of Konstantin’s girls whose bus Milo pushed off the bridge, Milo also admitted to that atrocity, solving many of Mayor of Kingstown season 3’s mysteries.
However, the reason for Milo’s return was less clear. Milo admitted he wanted Konstantin killed and to re-establish a “cross-border pipeline,” but that seemed farfetched even with Konstantin’s death. After all, faking his death meant Milo had not only escaped Konstantin but also Konstantin’s bosses, failing to fulfill his mission, making it unlikely for the “fathers” to forgive him and let him live, had Mike not killed him. This made Milo’s return a bit patchy, as it explained various mysteries from Mayor of Kingstown season 3, but his reasons did not nonetheless have a leg to stand on.
Milo’s return solved many of the unexplained mysteries of Mayor of Kingstown season 3, including the bus tragedy and the funeral bombing, but his reasons were all but solid as he didn’t explain how he would have won over Konstantin’s bosses.
Why Kyle Shot Robert On The Bridge
Kyle Was Going Through A Lot & Wanted To Protect The Family
The father on the bridge being unable to drop his gun had already been a problem for Kyle, who was fit for duty and identified him as not a threat. However, Robert approaching their car put Kyle in front of a dilemma: acting against Robert would be betraying someone on his side, but Kyle had also just seen Robert execute someone surrendering. Coupled with Kyle’s sense of powerlessness having just learned Tracy had asked Mike for protection, Kyle felt he needed to do something in that moment.

Mayor Of Kingstown’s Taylor Handley On Kyle’s Turn To SWAT In Season 3 & Season 4 Chances
Mayor of Kingstown star Taylor Handley discusses Kyle’s transition to the SWAT team in season 3, as well as the chances of season 4 being made.
Kyle shooting at Robert on a bridge with multiple witnesses, including his coworkers, sealed his fate but also was the only thing Kyle knew would have stopped Robert. After all, Robert repeatedly ignored his calls, he had proven all but reliable in the field, and he had just subtly asked Kyle whether he would have known who to choose between Mike and his SWAT family, had Mike continued to oppose permanently shutting up Evelyn. This makes Kyle’s situation extremely fragile in Mayor of Kingstown season 4, even with Robert surviving the bullets.
Iris’s Tragic Fate In Mayor Of Kingstown Season 3’s Finale Explained
Mayor Of Kingstown Has Long Made The Point That Nobody Leaves Kingstown Unscathed
No matter how many times Mike pushed Iris toward leaving Kingstown, she always refused. Iris staying in Kingstown and spying on Konstantin greatly helped Mike, but with Konstantin dead and Milo willing to let her go, Iris’s story in Kingstown had come to its natural end. Mike making her promise not to look back ensured Iris would not have returned to Kingstown, but her story’s end brutally highlighted how Iris might have left Kingstown, but Kingstown stayed with Iris.
Mayor of Kingstown season 3 didn’t clear up whether Iris intended to kill herself or it was just fate after the many drugs she did with Konstantin, but it mercilessly highlighted yet again how nobody leaves Kingstown unscathed. What happened in Kingstown hurt Iris to the point she did not fear death, hinting more than once at the fact she was not willing or maybe able to move on. Iris’s tragic fate after she had definitely left Kingstown behind proved the ruthless point that leaving Kingstown did little for her well-being, as Kingstown and what it represented never left Iris.
Why Mike’s Voiceover Kept Being Repeated In The Mayor Of Kingstown Season 3 Finale
Mike’s Morality Was Never Questioned As Much Before
Mike repeatedly thinking about what Mariam told him when she visited him in jail and returning to his family as he left the prison was evident in Mike’s identical voiceover throughout season 3’s finale. Mike never saw himself as good in Mayor of Kingstown, taking on the role of mayor as if it was penance, with Mariam never understanding why he would choose such a thankless role when it didn’t give him anything. However, ruminating over it in Mayor of Kingstown season 3’s finale might finally point Mike to an alternative to being mayor just as a form of penitence.

Anna’s Story Proves Mike Forgot About His Original Mayor Of Kingstown Mission
Mike’s inability to help Anna or recognize her wish for revenge shows how disconnected he is from his regular clients in Mayor of Kingstown.
After all, two people reminded Mike of his goodness in Mayor of Kingstown season 3’s finale, and yet Mike never questioned it more, especially after Milo’s speech about him and Mike being the same and Mike killing Milo in cold blood. Whether Mike sees his ability to do good along with evil, his confusion can point to an interesting story involving him, where Mike can finally move past working as mayor just because of his belief he deserved such a terrible fate, instead choosing to do so in service of good as a way to give back to Kingstown.
What Kareem Meant When He Spoke To Kevin
Kareem Had Already Decided His Fate But Wanted Kevin To Avoid It
Kareem had long felt directionless in Mayor of Kingstown season 3, even stopping his fight with Mike’s decisions, just agreeing with everything he suggested and obeying him. Those in charge of Kingstown’s prisons wanting him to resign otherwise they would have fired him came as his mental health was already struggling. Between how the prison riots still plagued his family and the consistent attacks in Anchor Bay, Kareem felt he could not control much. While Kareem decided against killing himself before going to work, his choice to enter the yard where AB prisoners were proved he hadn’t changed his mind.
Kareem’s decision prompted him to impart important lessons to his loved ones, but among them, also Kevin, who Kareem had just discovered to be at fault for notifying the sniper who attacked Anchor Bay. Kareem’s message to Kevin was his final gift, reminding Kevin how nobody would have covered for him, delivering a message that stemmed from Kareem feeling utterly alone, as he believed Anchor Bay should have supported him instead of pushing him aside. Kareem’s fate in Mayor of Kingstown season 3 thus planted the seeds for Kevin’s change, hopefully leading him to believe in Kareem’s prison mission.
How Mayor Of Kingstown Sets Up Season 4
Mayor Of Kingstown Season 3’s Finale Set Up Various Big Stories For Season 4
Mayor of Kingstown season 3’s finale concluded Milo, Konstantin, Iris and Kareem’s stories, but it also left others wide open. Indeed, from Mike’s internal debate over his goodness to Kyle’s arrest, Mayor of Kingstown season 4 would have plenty of disparate themes to explore. Focused as Mike was on his Russian problem, Mike overlooked Callahan, making him an even bigger problem potentially now that Callahan knew Mike never acted protecting his interests, instead sending Raphael to the hospital to kill him.
Mayor of Kingstown season 3’s finale also didn’t conclude Robert’s story, sending him to the hospital due to Kyle’s bullets, but leaving him at the center of Evelyn’s investigation, who now wanted answers from Ian too, after Evelyn learned about Ian bringing Charlie to the dentist the day Morrissey was killed. All these storylines set up a compelling Mayor of Kingstown season 4, where Mike would have to fight for his family and the new possible gangs taking Konstantin and Milo’s places, hinting at a potentially very different story for Mike in Mayor of Kingstown season 4.
Mayor of Kingstown season 3 is now streaming in its entirety on Paramount Plus.