Home ENTRETENIMENTO 12 Most Powerful Children of Deadpool in Official Marvel Lore

12 Most Powerful Children of Deadpool in Official Marvel Lore

12 Most Powerful Children of Deadpool in Official Marvel Lore

As a deadly assassin famous for his irreverent and scatological humor, Deadpool may not seem like the ideal father figure. His assassin background and constant hijinks mean he’s rarely had a stable relationship, let alone a family to call his own. However, Deadpool has a large and always-growing brood of beings who consider him their father, whether begotten by cloning, built by engineers, or conceived the old-fashioned way.

Being a father often shows a unique side to Wade, as he struggles to fit parental responsibility into his bizarre life of fighting supervillains and chasing the next payday. In some cases, Deadpool considers his kids monsters he’s duty bound to exterminate, and other times he sees them as the most precious thing in the world. Here, then, are Deadpool’s 12 most powerful children, and how Wade feels about each of them.



Deadpal first appeared in Gerry Duggan and Mike Hawthorne’s Deadpool #30. After being attacked by Marvel’s Xenomorph equivalent the Brood, Wade gestated a Broodling, which then burst out of his stomach. However, thanks to Deadpool’s healing factor, the newly christened ‘Deadpal’ remained merged with his body, and Wade even gave his new baby some tiny guns and their own mask

Eventually, Deadpool turned on his Brood offspring, cutting Deadpal free, however the alien didn’t die, and was last seen hiding from its ‘father’ on Knowhere. Ultimately, Deadpal is a failed Brood, but given the species’ ability to copy the powers of those they infect, it’s possible the alien tyke is rocking a version of Wade’s healing.



deadpool daughter squirrelgirl 1

Squirrelpool is the result of Wade’s DNA being fused with that of Squirrel Girl. While Wade has considered some clones his siblings, in Joshua Corin, Todd Nauck and Reilly Brown’s Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #2, Squirrelpool calls Deadpool ‘Dad’ and he acknowledges her as his daughter in return. As a combination of Deadpoool and Squirrelgirl, she has new takes on their powers, including wrist claws, healing, a gun that fires “acorns of death,” and teeth strong enough to effortlessly bite through Groot.

Despite acknowleding their connection, Deadpool considers Squirrelpool a threat, and fans last saw him teleporting her across the galaxy at random as a way of beating her without killing his ‘daughter.’



deadpool and wolverine child junior

Squirrel Girl is far from the only superhuman who has had a ‘child’ with Wade thanks to a DNA combo. In one potential future of the Marvel Universe, the fearsome Logan and the smart-alecky Wade have their Weapon X DNA fused together to make Junior. Junior is one possible cause of Deadpool’s death, as seen in Joe Kelly and Mike Hawthorne’s Deadpool: The End.

Created by an evil pharmaceutical company, Deadpool describes Junior as “the deadliest killing machine ever to commit genocide on planet Earth.” Junior wears an imposing red mask, has claws about as long as Deadpool himself, and isn’t the only of Wade’s offspring to try and kill him.


Warda Wilson

deadpool Warda Wilson

The offspring that came from one of Marvel’s weirdest romances, Warda Wilson is the daughter of Deadpool and Shiklah, the Queen of the Underworld. Warda has Deadpool’s trademark healing powers and a futuristic arsenal of weapons. Debuting in Gerry Duggan and Scott Koblish’s Deadpool #6, Warda exists in the potential future of Marvel 2099 and hates her father, imprisoning him for decades. It was eventually revealed that Warda was born after Wade and Skihlah broke up, and was hidden from her father, suggesting she may already exist as a child in Marvel’s main reality.

Warda does possess the honor of stealing Wade’s name, although she uses her father’s alias to traffic drugs. When confronted for kidnapping Wade by her half-sister Eleanor, Warda releases a monster from the Underworld in retaliation, suggesting that she possesses some of her mother’s abilities, even if only in a political sense.



Princess, Deadpool's symbiote canine daughter in Deadpool #7. 

Deadpool’s odd child/pet hybrid brought the character of Renesmee, who also goes by Princess, into the fold as a sidekick of sorts for the wise-cracking antihero. A dog-shaped ‘Carnage II’ symbiote from Deadpool Vol 9 (by Alyssa Wong, Luigi Zagaria, Javier Pina, and Martin Coccolo), Princess was made when Harrower implanted symbiotes into Deadpool’s body as part of a cruel experiment.

Instead of birthing a villainous symbiote, Wade was able to bond with Princess, leading to her considering him her “Papa.” Princess is incredibly loyal to Deadpool, possessing the usual symbiote abilities of shapeshifting to create an arsenal of weapons.


Master Matrix

Master Matrix

Master Matrix first appeared in Robbie Thompson, Matt Horak, Elmo Bondoc, and Flaviano Armentaro’s Spider-Man/Deadpool #31 as an advanced Life Model Decoy (LMD) who was bent on destroying humanity. In a change of heart, he begged Spider-Man for forgiveness and asked to be adopted and raised by he and Wade. Considering Spider-Man and Deadpool as his ‘dads,’ Master Matrix Man helped his father figures in battle many times over.

For instance, when he helped his dads put the Manipulator in jail or when he teamed up with Wade and Spidey to defeat the Wrecking Crew. As a robot, Matrix Man has built-in super strength, agility, and durability as well as the ability to project energy blasts and hijack robotics. After being ‘raised’ by Wade and Peter, Master Matrix went on to a happy life, and was last seen working in Hollywood.


Alpha Achromic

deadpool Alpha Achromic

Created in Rick Remender and Phil Noto’s Uncanny X-Force #26, Alpha Achromic is a product of the White Sky Organization, which possesses tech capable of creating superhumans with entirely false memories. To defeat a trio of villains called the Omega Clan, Deadpool rapidly programmed in a superhuman who would be loyal to him and Wolverine, creating his robotic son Alpha Achromic.

Achromic is a robotic being loaded with advanced weaponry, and was last seen gunning down the Omega Clan while X-Force escaped – however, fans never saw his death, which in comics is an all-but-guarantee he’ll be back.



Howard the Duck #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Joe Quinones, Joe Rivera, and Travis Lanham

One of the more confusing entries on this list, not only is Gwenpool not Gwen Stacy, but she also wasn’t even related to Deadpool. Gwendolyne Poole was just a woman who wanted to be a superhero, and due to her name, her costume designer mistakenly believed she was a fan of Deadpool. This led to Gwen getting a Deadpool-esque outfit, and eventually the two would meet. While the two aren’t related at all, they are bound by the fact both characters are fully aware that they’re in a comic book.

Gwen would meet Deadpool in THE UNBELIEVABLE GWENPOOL #13 by Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru, and Alti Firmansyah. While the two started off as enemies, battling while trapped in one of Arcade’s traps. Gwen would manage to talk some sense into the Merc with a Mouth, and together, they managed to escape. Ever since then, they’ve teamed up a few times and been on pretty friendly terms with one another. This includes Gwen leaving her beloved pet, Jeff the Land Shark, in Deadpool’s care, showing the intense trust she has in Wade.


Eleanor ‘Ellie’ Camacho

Eleanor Camacho deadpool

Deadpool’s biological daughter in Marvel’s main universe, Eleanor Camacho was raised away from Deadpool’s influence by her mother Carmelita. Unfortunately, when Carmelita got back in contact, she was brought to the attention of Bartol Utler – a Weapon Plus scientist who took them both prisoner, and ultimately killed Carmelita. Wade had Ellie adopted by former SHIELD agent Emily Preston, and watches over her as best he can while trying to keep her existence top secret.

However, this became more difficult when it emerged that Ellie is a mutant, with the 2099 timeline (where she battles her half-sister Warda) revealing she has a powerful healing factor that reverts her to her prime whenever she’s killed, including by natural causes. Ellie remains Wade’s most treasured connection, but is constantly at risk thanks to his many enemies and continued hostility to mutants. Her mastery of weaponry is second to none, and in Deadpool: The End, she even devises a bomb that can kill Deadpool despite his healing factor.


Itsy Bitsy

Itsy-Bitsy Spider-Man and Deadpool Daughter

Another ‘child’ created by fusing the DNA of two heroes, Itsy Bitsy is the product of Deadpool and Spider-Man’s DNA. Debuting in Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness’ Spider-Man/Deadpool #8, Itsy Bitsy enjoys the best of both parents’ powers, inheriting their abilities along with her own acidic saliva, pheromone control, and razor-sharp webbing.

Itsy Bitsy wanted to take after her parents by fighting crime, but insisted on doing so by slaughtering as many criminals as possible. In order to save Spider-Man from having to do so, Deadpool went back on his then-vow to give up killing, atomizing Itsy Bitsy. However, she escaped the confrontation in a larval form, and will surely return one day soon.


Negasonic Teenage Warhead

New X-Men #115 by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Tim Townsend, Mark Morales, Brian Haberlin, Hi-Fi Design, Richard Starkings, and Saida Temofonte

An incredibly powerful mutant, Negasonic Teenage Warhead is both a psychic and a reality warper. She can move objects with her mind and view short glimpses of the future, as well as read the minds of others. But her most powerful ability by far is her ability to warp reality. She’s able to do low-level warping like creating a house or clothing from nothing. Negasonic would meet Deadpool in Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #1 by Cullen Bunn, Iban Coello, and Salva Espin.

It’s here that they’d start their long-lasting father/daughter relationship. Deadpool rescued Negasonic when she was captured, and she’d return the favor several times. While she was never particularly open about her feelings, her actions spoke volumes. When Deadpool lost his memory, she continued to stay by his side and acted as his secretary. When Domino took over the Mercs for Money group, Negasonic made it clear she believed Deadpool was still the leader. While they aren’t biologically related, there’s no denying that Negasonic views Wade as a father figure.



Deathpool Strikeforce deadpool

Deathpool was introduced in the mobile game Marvel Strikeforce as the daughter of Deadpool and Death. When she was born, she replaced her mom as Death since only one can exist at the same time. Being raised by Deadpool, it should come as no surprise that the exceptional assassin trained his daughter in combat and martial arts, making her a force to be reckoned with.

As Death, Deathpool holds the Power Cosmic, granting her immense power. She inherited the abilities of teleportation, energy manipulation, passing through objects, and traveling through dimensions because of her position as the living embodiment of Death. These powers will come in handy in her quest to kill the Mad Titan, Thanos – her mother’s suitor before Deadpool got involved.

When Marvel creators give Deadpool a new child, they tend to go big, creating some of the deadliest, most unkillable kids in the Marvel Universe. However, it’s worth noting that despite his reputation, Deadpool tends to be a pretty responsible dad – shutting down those of his children who pose a threat to the innocent, and supporting those who are capable of more.

Deadpool in Comic Cover Art


The merc with the mouth first appeared in an issue of New Mutants in 1990, and since then has gone on to get his own series and a massive cult following. With his incredible powers of healing and regeneration, Deadpool was initially depicted as an X-Men villain but went on to become an anti-hero. After getting his own movie series starting in 2016, the third Deadpool movie finally brings the wisecracking, fourth-wall-breaking character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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