Almost 70% of Tula residents supported the State Duma’s initiative to introduce a fine for publicly insulting a teacher. As the press service of the SuperJob service told MK in Tula, this is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted among the economically active population of the city from October 14 to October 22.
About 13% of respondents were against punishing with rubles those who insult teachers. They explained their attitude by saying that fines are not capable of solving the problem, since the whole point is to educate the younger generation. At the same time, every fifth person answered the question “is a fine necessary?” I found it difficult. “Sometimes teachers themselves go too far with their students. Therefore this issue is very controversial», – they paid attention to the other side of the coin.
It is worth noting that those who reacted positively to the idea of deputies are more likely to be among older and middle-aged people. Among parents of schoolchildren, 63% approve of the initiative. On the contrary, among those who consider themselves unrestrained or have already had a verbal altercation with a teacher, every fifth person is against fines. “Parents send their child to school to be taught behavior, including», – they make excuses.