WARNING: SPOILERS ahead for The White Lotus season 3, episode 4.
No characters have died yet at the midpoint of The White Lotus season 3 but that is certainly about to change in the latter half of the hit HBO series. There is at least one confirmed death in The White Lotus season 3 based on the opening teaser scene in episode 1 but there could be more on the table. While some characters are more dangerous than others, no one can be counted out as winding up dead – either intentionally or accidentally – by the end of season 3.
I would hate to see some of the sweetest characters in The White Lotus season 3 go, such as Gaitok and Chelsea, but their deaths are certainly within the realm of possibility. Those closest to Greg, aka Gary, are certainly at the most risk, which could spell disaster for Belinda, her son Zion, and even Chloe. While some viewers may not be added to see one or more of the five dysfunctional members of the Ratliff family go, a show like The White Lotus typically lets the most irredeemable characters make it out alive.
There’s little to no chance that Pam winds up dead in The White Lotus season 3 unless Timothy goes on a rampage, asking Pam for his phone back but she won’t give it to him. While her role is relatively small thus far, she’s one of the sweetest characters of the new season and her death would be incredibly shocking.
Amrita is another great member of The White Lotus Thai resort staff who is unfortunately in harm’s way at the beginning of the season when the gunshots start firing. She was just getting to know Zion and begin mediation with him when things went haywire. Since she represents peace and spiritual wisdomit would be ironic if she died this season.
Piper Ratliff
As the black sheep of her family (making her the most sane one), Piper has the best exit strategy out of her fellow Ratliff dynamic. She already wants to live in Thailand to find herself and leave her family behind, which is something that many viewers would likely root for. Her death wouldn’t make much sense unless she was an accidental victim.
Laurie Duffy
Laurie Duffy is arguably the most level-headed or at least relatable of the “victory tour” trio of her, Kate, and Jaclyn. She may get caught up in an unfortunate circumstance and end up being the one paying for it but that will likely be because of the actions of Kate or most likely Jaclyn. However, she appears to drink the most out of the threewhich adds some risk.
Fabian is a loyal servant of White Lotus Thai Resort owner Sritala, which means he could choose to take a bullet for her if the situation were to arise. That being said, he’s mostly a background character without much impact outside of implementing a sense of authority and order on the staff, particularly with Gaitok. If he gets in the way of another robberyfor example, he could meet his fate.
Kate Bohr
Kate lost some support from Laurie and Jaclyn for her conservative political beliefs and cultural lifestyle in Austin, TX. Due to this divide, Jaclyn and Laurie might side against her if things reach a life-threatening situation. Out of all the smack-talking behind-the-back gossip, Kate’s status as an “independent” feels like it caused the biggest cracks in their dynamic.
Zion Lindsey
Zion was certainly in danger during the beginning of The White Lotus season 3 and was the first to see the dead body floating in the water. He prays to make it out alive, which he probably will, but there’s no question that his life is on the line. One theory suggests that Greg will hire people to kidnap Zion and use it as leverage to keep Belinda quiet.
Jaclyn Lemon
Jaclyn Lemon may be famous but that doesn’t exempt her from being in the line of fire. If word gets out that she’s a rich celebritysome locals – perhaps the ones who robbed the jewelry store – may find that to be an opportunity for a big payday. In this case, Jaclyn’s ego may convince her to think that she can stop the robbers from stealing from her, which could lead to violence.
Gaitok is genuinely kind and sweet, which makes me worried about his fate in season 3. Gaitok seems to have already been manipulated by Valentin, who may be connected to the robbery, and bravely fought a robber only to get injured. The robbers could have easily killed Gaitokwhose bravery was admirable but naive. If something like this happens again, or if Mook is in danger, Gaitok could catch a bullet.
Chelsea, another likable character in The White Lotus season 3, could also be on the chopping block. Depending on how Rick’s situation in Bangkok goes, Chelsea could find herself in danger as a guest of The White Lotus Thai Resort. Rick is going after Sritala’s husband, who he believes killed his father. If Rick is unsuccessful and Sritala’s husband is that dangerous, Chelsea may pay for Rick’s failed attempt at revenge.
Pornchai, a message and energy specialist at The White Lotus Thai Resort, seems to have taken an interest in Belinda. This makes him liable to be the hero and save Belinda’s life if Greg/Gary tries to kill her for knowing too much about Tanya’s death. Pornchai is noble and respectable, making him a perfect knight in shining armor for Belinda.
Lochlan Ratliff
Many viewers have already predicted that Lochlan wouldn’t survive the season, which I’m on the fence about. Lochlan is the youngest main character in the series and still has a lot to learn and plenty of life to live. If he does die, it’ll probably be because he blindly follows Saxon’s orderswhich if he continued to do would lead to an unfortunate life anyway. Some have also said Lochlan could be a killer but I don’t see it.
Belinda Lindsey
I’m on the fence about the possibility of Belinda dying, who is in Greg’s crosshairs after recognizing him. Greg is almost definitely going to do something to try and silence Belinda and will most likely try to pay her off. Greg is certainly capable of hiring people to take Belinda out but I think that would be way too tragic and predictable for Mike White to actually go through with it. At this point, however, it seems very possible.
I’m one of the viewers who think Mook is in on the robbery scheme with Valentin, or whoever is behind it. Mook knows she has Gaitok wrapped around her finger. While she seems like a sweet character, her betrayal of Gaitok wouldn’t be that surprising if there’s a good reason for it. Mook has shown two distinct sides – her friendly working persona and her mystical dancer aura – which could foreshadow that she’s two-faced and manipulating Gaitok.
Saxon Ratliff
If viewers could vote on which character they would most like to see not make it out of The White Lotus season 3, Saxon would certainly top the list. Apart from his strange and creepy behavior towards his siblings, he is an egotistical nightmare who hides under his parents’ wealth. Because he’s so gross, he probably will end up surviving but perhaps White will offer a bit of fan service with a Saxon death.
Valentin is a total wildcard in The White Lotus season 3 and certainly the most mysterious and potentially untrustworthy member of the staff. While he makes for nice eye candy for Jaclyn, Kate, and Laurie, my guess is that he’s up to no good. Valentin could turn out to be the shooterespecially in a scenario in which he was paid by Greg to kill Belinda. In this case, he may now make it out alive and the authorities could kill him.
If Rick is successful in killing Sritala’s husband, he may have to kill Sritala too whether she witnesses the murder or not. Sritala could easily implicate Rick, who claims to be a Hollywood producer and goes by a different name, since he traveled to Bangkok at the same time as her. Although killing Sritala and her husband would draw a ton of attention, it seems like Rick is willing to take that chance.
Chloe could be killed by Greg/Gary if she ends up cheating on him with Saxon, which was implied during the first four episodes. Chloe is certainly flirty, which Greg is probably used to, but if he catches either Chloe or Saxon in the act, he could absolutely pull the trigger on them both. If Chloe does get killed, it could be all the evidence that Belinda needs to go at Greg with the help of the police.
Rick Hatchett
Something tells me that Rick may not be coming back to The White Lotus resort from Bangkok. Rick’s character follows a very common American arc of revenge, which the series may want to spin on its head, making him unsuccessful and silly for trying. Rick may also learn a devastating truth about his father which he was unaware of and could even take his own life, leaving Chelsea and his troubled past behind.
Victoria Ratliff
Victoria may not be able to handle the news that her wealth is about to disappear, which Timothy will eventually have to tell her. She even says in The White Lotus season 3 trailer that she wouldn’t want to go on living if she were not wealthy. The impending tsunami dream that she has could be symbolic of not only her world crashing down but potentially her life as well. It would be a nice touch if she ate one of the poisonous seeds mentioned in the first episode.