- Star Wars’ best relationships go beyond canon with compelling pairs like Osha & Qimir, Asajj Ventress & Quinlan Vos, and Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade.
- Couples like Bail & Breha Organa, Hera Syndulla & Kanan Jarrus, and Rey & Kylo Ren show that romantic love can exist in the Star Wars universe.
- Han & Leia, Obi-Wan & Satine, and Luke & Mara Jade embody some of the most iconic and beloved relationships in the franchise.
Although the Jedi have a rule against attachments, Star Wars has featured a number of incredible romantic relationships—these 10 are the best in Legends and canon. Star Wars movies and TV shows have had romantic plotlines from the very beginning, with Han Solo and Leia’s relationship (and, awkwardly, Leia and Luke’s) being prominent throughout the original trilogy. Since then, Star Wars’ best movies and Star Wars’ best TV shows have introduced numerous other couples.
However, the franchise’s best relationships go beyond just the canonical Star Wars timeline. Rather, Legends also had several compelling relationships—in fact, one of the very best shockingly included one of the most iconic characters in all of Star Wars. Of these many romantic couples in Star Wars Legends and canon, though, these 10 represent the best.
The 15 Best Star Wars Characters
Star Wars has a decades-long legacy, and with that comes a number of incredibly popular characters—these 15 are the very best in the whole franchise.
Osha & Qimir
The Acolyte
Osha and Qimir were a truly surprising couple in Star Wars. Qimir was initially introduced as a quirky, awkward accomplice of Mae’s, although The Acolyte episode 5 proved that was very much a façade and revealed him to be Mae’s master, the masked villain known as the Stranger. In addition to that revelation, episode 5 saw Qimir brutally killing multiple Jedi, including Padawan Jecki Lon, who Qimir called “it” after killing her. Although none of that sounds like romance material, viewers went absolutely wild for the budding romance between Qimir and Osha.

The Acolyte Episode 5’s Jedi Deaths, Ranked By Impact
The Acolyte episode 5 brutally killed off several of the Jedi sent to Khofar, but not all of their deaths had the same element of surprise or impact.
At the end of this bloodbath, Qimir hinted at his true intentions, as he found Osha unconscious in the forest and draped his cape over her like a blanket. This was expedited in The Acolyte episode 6, when Qimir was clearly trying to woo Osha, including by swimming around in front of her without his clothes on. The show’s finale then revealed that Osha agreed to train with Qimir, suggesting much more could be to come in their story.
Sadly, this means that their relationship has been minimally explored thus far. However, they proved to be a very compelling pair. In fact, they seem to represent something truly new in the franchise—a light side Force user fully falling for and committing to a Sith.
Asajj Ventress & Quinlan Vos
Dark Disciple
Asajj Ventress
- Cast
Nika Futterman
, grey delisle - First Appearance
Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003)
- Alliance
Sith, Bounty Hunters
Tragically, one of Star Wars’ best romances has never been shown on screen; in fact, only those who have read Star Wars: Dark Disciple, written by Christie Golden, would know that such a relationship happened, although both characters have appeared in Star Wars TV shows. Specifically, fan-favorite Asajj Ventress and Jedi Quinlan Vos had an overtly romantic connection in the canon novel Dark Disciple, and, in addition to being a great relationship, it was a truly enthralling story.
Purchase Star Wars: Dark Disciple on Amazon
Vos and Ventress were (quite curiously) asked by the Jedi Council to work together to assassinate Count Dooku, although Ventress was still firmly on the dark side, and such an action would be entirely contrary to the Jedi way. Over the course of the book, the two developed romantic feelings, which sadly became complicated when Vos fell to the dark side, and Ventress realized this would destroy him. In the end, Ventress shockingly gave her life to redeem Vos, not only reflecting a massive act of self-sacrificial love but also marking a major update to her character.
Ventress shockingly gave her life to redeem Vos, not only reflecting a massive act of self-sacrificial love but also marking a major update to her character.

Asajj Ventress’ Return Explained: Resurrection, Yellow Lightsaber, & Star Wars Future
Asajj Ventress makes her exciting return to Star Wars in The Bad Batch season 3, having cheated death with some exciting teases for the future.
Obi-Wan & Satine
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Although a major shock, Satine Kryze and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s romantic history is one of the franchise’s best. Satine was introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and it was quickly revealed that she and Obi-Wan had feelings for one another. At one point, Obi-Wan even revealed that, had Satine asked him to, he would have left the Jedi Order for her. Although Obi-Wan never went as far as Anakin (he knew he had to choose, and he never actively pursued a relationship with Satine), this was revelatory for Obi-Wan’s character, who always seemed so dedicated to the Jedi way.
Obi-Wan even revealed that, had Satine asked him to, he would have left the Jedi Order for her.
While they never made it official, Obi-Wan and Satine truly were one of Star Wars’ best couples. The love they felt for one another was evident, and they never lost their dedication to each other. After all, Obi-Wan went to aid Satine and Mandalore even when the Jedi did not agree to assist because Mandalore was a neutral planet during the Clone Wars. Tragically, this relationship died when Darth Maul killed Satine in front of Obi-Wan. However, their love endured, given that Obi-Wan’s choice of alias, Ben, was Satine’s name for him.
Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru
A New Hope
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru aren’t likely to be the first Star Wars couple that comes to mind, but they certainly deserve more recognition. Although they were introduced in A New Hope, the pair had little characterization then, as they died early in the movie. However, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones introduced them at a younger age, and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith revealed how truly selfless they were, as they accepted baby Luke seemingly without question.
It wasn’t until Obi-Wan Kenobi that their relationship not only with each other but also with young Luke was fully revealed, and that solidified their spot as one of Star Wars’ best couples. As was made clear when Reva came to harm Luke, Uncle Owen was willing to put himself in harm’s way to save Beru and Luke, and Beru was similarly willing to risk her life to save Luke. This couple truly is beautiful, and learning more about their past makes their swift deaths in A New Hope so much more tragic.
Rey & Kylo Ren
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
- Alliance
Jedi, First Order
The romantic relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy may have been controversial, but the popularity of the couple is also clear in the massive group of ‘Reylo’ supporters. Interestingly, Star Wars has seemingly tried to walk back the romantic undertones of their relationship; despite their kiss in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the rhetoric has become that this was a purely platonic kiss. However, long before that kiss, the two had clear romantic tension. Indeed, from the beginning, Rey and Kylo Ren had a dynamic that was neither strictly friends nor strictly enemies.
From the beginning, Rey and Kylo Ren had a dynamic that was neither strictly friends nor strictly enemies.
Upon meeting, Kylo carried Rey bridal style to his ship, which was particularly odd for a dark sider. From there, the pair had a series of moments that suggested romance was blooming, from the rather intimate interrogation in Star Wars: The Force Awakens to the two touching hands in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Sure, some of their connection could be chalked up to the Force Dyad. However, their kiss and Kylo/Ben’s willingness to sacrifice his life for Rey revealed something deeper, and theirs truly was a fun relationship to watch.
Bail & Breha Organa
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith
Like Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, Bail and Breha Organa don’t get enough recognition both for being incredible parents and for being one of Star Wars’ best couples. Although Bail was a major character throughout the trilogy, Breha was barely in the prequels, only shown in Revenge of the Sith when Bail brought baby Leia home with him. However, like Owen and Beru, Breha seemed to accept Leia without hesitation as her own. Also, it’s worth pointing out, clearly their relationship was strong enough that Bail knew he could show up with a baby and there wouldn’t be a problem.
Bail and Breha Organa don’t get enough recognition both for being incredible parents and for being one of Star Wars’ best couples.
Also like Owen and Beru, Obi-Wan Kenobi finally revealed on screen how wonderful Bail and Breha were together and as parents. Whereas Bail was more troublesome and playful, Breha was more disciplined and serious, and they balanced each other out well while clearly having affection for one another. It’s also clear that Bail never minded taking a backseat, as it was his wife who was the monarch of Alderaan, not him. Sadly, like so many of these couples, Bail and Breha met a devastating end, but not before they shaped Leia into the incredible woman she was.
Han & Leia
A New Hope
Of course, one of Star Wars’ most iconic couples of all is Han Solo and Leia, the original trilogy’s sweethearts. Although they had a bit of an odd start, with Leia unfortunately kissing her brother, the two developed into a very precious couple who also had the perfect amount of banter. Unlike some of these sweeter couples, Han and Leia spent much of their screen time bickering. In fact, in the sequel trilogy, it was revealed that the two had parted ways after their son, Ben, fell to the dark side.
Nevertheless, Han and Leia are easily one of the best couples in the whole franchise. Their famous “I love you” and “I know” lines are perhaps the best-known romantic quotes in all of Star Wars, and Leia’s determination to save Han after he was put in carbonite revealed her true feelings. They were also Star Wars’ first true budding romance (as Luke and Leia can’t really count), which adds a considerable amount of nostalgia to the mix.
Leia Organa
- Alliance
Rebel Alliance, New Republic, Resistance
Hera Syndulla & Kanan Jarrus
Star Wars Rebels
Hera Syndulla
- Created By
Dave Filoni
- Alliance
Rebel Alliance, New Republic
Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus are proof that some of Star Wars’ best stories take place not in the movies but in the TV shows—including the animated shows. Kanan was one of few Jedi survivors of Order 66, and although he upheld the Jedi way for the most part and even took Ezra Bridger on as his Padawan learner, he clearly didn’t agree with the Jedi rule against attachments. Rather, he and Hera had a romantic relationship throughout the show, which culminated in their son, Jacen Syndulla, and in Kanan giving his life to protect Hera.
Kanan proved that Jedi can have romantic attachments and still be on the light side.
In that sense, this couple is one of the best because Kanan proved that Jedi can have romantic attachments and still be on the light side. However, they were also simply an excellent couple in their own right. Together, they were the leaders of the Ghost crew, and they really took both Ezra and Sabine in as their children in addition to their crewmates. It’s also devastating that Kanan never met Jacen, as he really would have been an excellent father.
Kanan Jarrus
- Created By
Dave Filoni
- Cast
Freddie Prinze Jr.
- Alliance
Jedi, Rebel Alliance
Padmé & Anakin
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
It goes without saying that Padmé and Anakin had their fair share of issues, particularly once Anakin fell to the dark side. In truth, their relationship was doomed from the start, as they even acknowledged in Attack of the Clones when they considered getting together. However, their time on Naboo revealed what their relationship could have looked like without the influences of the Senate, the Jedi Order, and the Clone Wars, and that solidifies that they really were one of Star Wars’ best couples—they were just confined by their respective situations, and they both suffered the consequences because of that.
It’s undeniably romantic that Anakin loved Padmé from the moment he met her, and although it took Padmé longer to get there (because Anakin was a child at the time), ultimately, she loved him just as much. While it backfired, the two really were ready to risk it all for each other, which is incredibly romantic. Moreover, although Anakin went about it all wrong, his desperation to save Padmé was borne out of love; he just wasn’t equipped to handle those feelings appropriately, as he never learned to control his emotions, and he had to address his fears in secret.
Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade
Star Wars: The Hand Of Thrawn Duology
Mara Jade
- Created By
Timothy Zahn
- Cast
Shannon McRandle
- First Appearance
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire
- Alliance
Empire, Jedi
Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker are truly the best romantic pair in Star Wars, yet their relationship isn’t canon; in fact, Mara Jade doesn’t even exist in canon. However, Mara Jade’s story and her marriage to Luke were both incredibly popular aspects of Legends, and many were sad to see that the couple wasn’t canonized in the sequel trilogy. For a time, fans were even hopeful that Luke had been spotted next to a gravestone on Ahch-To, suggesting Mara Jade had been his wife but had died (which might have been much more compelling as the reason for Luke’s exile).
Not only did this relationship further prove that Jedi could have attachments, but also, this was yet another perfect redemption arc, as Mara Jade had been an assassin for Emperor Palpatine before turning to the light side and falling for Luke. The two also worked together to rebuild a Jedi Order, which reflects a unique Jedi story. Unfortunately, given the sequels, it’s unlikely that Mara Jade will ever enter canon, but Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade nevertheless remain Star Wars’ very best couple.